Friends of Nepal - New Jersey
Friends of Nepal - New Jersey

Our Impact

Improving lives.

Strengthening communities and Developing socially responsible leaders

In collaboration with ANPA, FONNJ recenly organized a Health Camp for the bhutanese -Nepalese refugees in Trenton, New Jersey.  There are about 25 refugeee families living in that area. ( Camp Video)

Leadership Program

Nanda Ratri School Program Award Distribution program

This scholarship started in 1998

Strengthening Communities

Scholarship program at the Nanda Ratri School

Helping students to obtain their high school degree at a night school.  These students work during the day time and goes to school at night so that they can obtain their high school degree. 

New Interact Club for Community Improvement Projects

New Interact Club has been established at the Bal Kumari School, where FONNJ in coopetation with various Rotary clubs and individuals are providing 100 scholarships.  Each scholarship recepients are required to jion the Interact club and do a 15 hours of community service per year.  (Video of school visit and interact club students) 

Annual Report

ASHA Annual Report
ASHA Annual Report.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]


Surya Tiwari

For special Nepali dishes..

at 732-570-6087

Dil Krishna Shrestha


Air Zone Travel

Toll Free : 1-888-597-8798

ARC Beauty Salon


Pashupati Shrestha


Urmi's Beauty Salon


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© Friends of Nepal - New Jersey 2011 - 2024